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Hi, Welcome to my website
I'm Steve
I am a British, professionally trained and qualified, experienced English Language Teacher and Teacher Trainer.
I have taught different nationalities in the UK and abroad for over 20 years and worked as a teacher trainer for the British Council.

My one-to-one Zoom lessons are personalised to meet your needs. I do not have a set course that fits everyone. It is important that we discuss your requirements, what you wish to use English for and find out what your current level is.
Although I teach all levels, I particularly enjoy tutoring more advanced levels - pre-intermediate B1, intermediate B2, Advanced C1 and Proficiency C2 - especially learners wishing to sit for Cambridge Englishexams or IELTS.
I recommend that learners use a student's book from the Cutting Edge Series, according to their level. They have an extremely high professional reputation and include audio. Some are shown below.

For learners wishing to achieve Proficiency Level C2, I recommend the excellent Cambridge Objective Proficiency.

Whilst acknowledging the predominant role grammar plays, I am a strong advocate of also using Lexical Chunks of language - fixed expressions, collocations, phrasal verbs and idioms - to develop fluency.
Cambridge English books I use are shown below.

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LinkedinTestimonials by British Council Managers of Teacher Trainer/Mentor Projects in Malaysia and Thailand

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